About Us
Tilda Publishing
Big aim of ACI Online Translation School is to spread ancient wisdom around the world in different languages for hundreds of years. The school is created to translate all the projects of the Worldview Organisations (ACI, Xuanzang's Tower and other projects of Geshe Michael Roach).

Core team of the school are Seed System practitioners, professionals, and interpreters with many years of experience.
A nun, has been studying diamond wisdom and teaching this system since 2012, translating ACI texts and classes regularly for about 10 years. ACI volunteer for the last 7 years.
Lobsang Kadrin
School Founder, Core Team Leader, Inspirer

I have been studying Diamond Wisdom since 2019, I am a translator and editor of ACI projects. I devote all my time only to volunteer projects of Geshe Michael Roach and his students.
Yulia Ville
School Communications Coordinator
I have been familiar with dharma since 2018. I started volunteering in various projects in 2019. I coordinate simultaneous translations and translations of materials for the BM retreat, Lam Rim, Mixed Nuts and promotional materials into Ukrainian. I manage translations of ACI courses into Ukrainian.
Olena Gaschuk
School Ukrainian Track Manager
Irina Lukyanova
School Program Developer, Lead Trainer

I have been learning wisdom since 2020. Experience in simultaneous and written translation since 1993. Experience in adult education since 1997. I take part in such projects as Mixed Nuts, ACI, Lam Rim, BM, Medicine Buddha Sutra revision, etc.
Areta Bieliakova
School Program Developer, Lead Trainer
I've been studying seed system since 2017, and practice it regularly since 2020. I'm translating courses and events for YSI and ACI since 2019, DCIG, SCIM and Mixed Nuts classes since 2021.
Marina Gotovkina
School Ukrainian Track Manager
I am a professional translator and editor. I have been studying ancient wisdom and participating in various interpretation and translation projects since 2017. I took part in the translation and editing of ACI, Lam Rim and Nagarjuna’s courses, Medicine Buddha Sutra, and Diamond Cutter Classics books. Since 2021 I have been interpreting Mixed Nuts classes and helping to organize simultaneous interpretation of these classes into Russian.

List of Courses

We are happy to invite you
to our first course:
Simultaneous Translation For Beginners

You will learn:

  • About the specifics of simultaneous interpreting
  • About expectations from an interpreter
  • How to develop simultaneous interpreting skills
  • How to use equipment and applications
for translation
  • How to prepare for translation
  • How to translate key terms correctly
  • How to handle stressful situations
  • How to develop articulation and voice

Learning Format

Join our course!

Let’s make a difference together!

This project is free of charge and available to anyone who aspires to become an interpreter of ancient wisdom taught by Geshe Michael Roach and his students.

We invite you to support our teacher's projects, ACI and/or Xuanzang's Tower. When you make a donation, you plant great seeds for fulfillment of your dreams.